Listed here are several projects in various stages of completion. The common thread running through them is that they all are being developed exclusively in-house and involve extensive use of both software and hardware.
Additional capabilities in the solar field can be seen at another web site; if interested, please visit
A solar-powered attic fan cooling system
Making use of both solar energy, networking and microprocessor technology, the project aims at providing efficient and smart cooling of attic spaces which, during summer, can reach temperatures of over 150 degrees. This is useful in cooling the living space of a house and/or reducing the load on an air conditioner.
An automobile tail light animation retrofit
This microprocessor-controlled system is an add-on to existing car tail lights. It is a horizontally-mounted string of LEDs, facing the rear of a car which, when animated, enhances the visibility of the turn, brake and emergency indicators.
A "Multi-wattmeter" for monitoring and displaying several solar energy system parameters
Making use of two microprocessors, this retrofit measures both currents and voltages of solar panels, solar charge controllers, batteries and loads. The first processor acts as the data gatherer while the second, remote, processor connected to the first by a communication link, displays the acquired data in a convenient location which can be hundreds of feet away.
A large, distributed cell phone charging network
Making use of both solar energy, networking and microprocessor technology, the project aims to provide cheap or free cell phone charging capabilities to a distributed population of users.